The 3 WORST Ways to Cook Your Vegetables
The 3 Worst Ways to Cook Your Vegetables
1. Boiling
Boiling is, hands down, the WORST way to cook your vegetables.

You can only boil at very high temperatures and this takes longer than cooking vegetables in other ways, leaving them exposed to vitamin and mineral damage.
The biggest issue with boiling: you have to submerge the vegetables in water.
After most people boil vegetables, they drain the water and toss it out without a second thought…
But they don’t realize they’re “throwing out the baby with the bathwater” -- key nutrients from vegetables they just prepared!
You can avoid this if you keep the boiled water and use it in a soup or stew. But if you just boil vegetables and pour the nutrient-rich water down the sink, you’re missing out.
A combo of high heat and water loss make boiling a BAD choice compared to the other ways on the next page.
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