4 Paleo Foods You Must Avoid If You Have Digestive Issues

4 Paleo Foods You Must Avoid If You Have Digestive Issues

By Dave From Paleohacks
Creator of the Paleohacks Cookbook

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans struggle with “gut disorders”? That means constipation, CRIPPLING stomach pain, and diarrhea…
Many of these digestive problems go even deeper— causing psychological issues like anxiety or even DEPRESSION.
Going paleo is a GREAT step to heal a broken gut. Even though it can take time for an unhealthy gut to “adjust” to your new lifestyle, that won’t ever happen if you keep eating foods that are causing problems.
Did you know that there are even some “healthy” foods that can make your stomach absolutely miserable? Cutting them out of your diet for at least a month, and then adding them back in slowly, is the recipe for digestive health.
So let’s dive in. Here are 4 paleo foods to AVOID if you have digestive issues:

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