The #1 WORST Paleo Food
The #1 WORST Paleo Food
By Dave From Paleohacks
Creator of the Paleohacks Cookbook

You’ve heard of the Paleo diet by now --the popular lifestyle based on eating “real foods” like our ancestors.
It’s been featured on Dr. Oz, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NBC, and other mainstream media networks.
Many supporters of the Paleo diet will tell you that anything “Paleo-Friendly” will help you lose fat, slow down aging, improve your energy, and make you healthier…
The reality: there are some Paleo foods that you should absolutely NOT eat – that can actually increase your rate of aging, spike your blood sugar, and put your body in fat storage mode…
Let’s get right to it. Here’s the #1 Paleo food to avoid.
The #1 WORST Paleo Food:
Agave Syrup
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