Yaz Gallbladder Disease: Assessing Your Risk Factors

Yaz Gallbladder Disease

Article by C. Garrison
As with all other adverse reactions from taking the contraceptive, Yaz gallbladder disease problems comes with a set of risk factors and symptoms that are important to be aware of. With some women having reported these types of symptoms, more people are seeking some type of compensation for their suffering by filing lawsuits against the drug's manufacturer. As one of the most severe side effects, gallbladder problems are becoming better known as problems directly linked to the contraceptive and more women want to know how to find out if they're at risk for these problems.

How Does Yaz Cause Gallbladder Problems?

Most critics believe that the elevated hormone levels in the contraceptive cause Yaz gallbladder disease. These hormones cause increased cholesterol levels in bile, as well as decrease gallbladder movement. When these two symptoms combine, gallstones can form in the gallbladder and become trapped in the bile ducts, which requires surgery and possible removal of the gallbladder. Gallbladder symptoms can be widespread and quite painful, and diagnosis can be complicated for some women. Most often, cases like this have no previous history of gallbladder problems, which is what indicates the contraceptive is to blame for these problems.

What Are the Symptoms?

Symptoms of Yaz gallbladder disease can be slightly different for each woman, depending on the severity of each case. Usually, there is pain in your upper back or abdomen accompanied by several other symptoms. These symptoms might include: nausea and/or vomiting; prolonged severe pain; fever; and jaundice, or yellowish skin color. If you notice some or all of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately to assess your particular case and proceed with diagnostic tests and treatment options. Being faced with these problems can be difficult, but there are many ways to treat the problem.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Diagnosing Yaz gallbladder disease can be done with one of several options. Most often, the problem is diagnosed with an ultrasound scan that allows the doctor to see the gallstones. There might also be blood tests, an X-ray, a CT scan, or an HIDA scan done as a way to diagnose gallbladder problems. Once your doctor has determined the nature of your problem, he will be able to move forward with treatment options. By partnering with your doctor, you and your family will be able to determine the best way to move forward with your treatment.
Treatment of Yaz gallbladder disease could be surgical or nonsurgical. Nonsurgical options include oral dissolution therapy, or drugs that can dissolve the gallstones. This is a great way to avoid surgery, but it might not work in all cases. Surgery to treat the problem would involve removal of the gallbladder and living with the long-term consequences from its removal. Facing major lifestyle and dietary changes, gallbladder removal is often the only way to treat these types of gallbladder problems. In fact, many women who suffer from gallbladder problems as a result of using birth control will eventually have to have their gallbladder removed.


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