Home Remedies for Passing Gallstones

Home Remedies for Passing Gallstones

Home Remedies for passing gallstones are based on natural treatment.

These Home Remedies are very effective in eliminating the gall bladder stones and thereby giving permanent relief to the sufferers.
Sufferers of gallstones will be having a miserable time of severe back pain as well as crippling pain over upper abdomen. Nausea and indigestion will add to their woes.
When smooth flow of bile is blocked in the bile duct by gallstones, inflammation and pain will occur. Unless the gallstones are treated and passed out, the condition will go worse. Surgical removal of gall bladder is not advisable as it may lead to fatal consequences.
Bile is solidified to stone due to excess of cholesterol or bilirubin in it.
Liver secretes the bile for the digestion of fats and it is stored in the gall bladder.
Basically there are two types of gallstones – cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones; formed due to excess of cholesterol and bilirubin respectively.
Home Remedies for passing gallstones can flush out any type of gallstones found in both men and women.
Since pregnancy, excess of estrogens as well as obesity will cause formation of gallstones; women are more prone to this ailment. The other reasons for gallstones formation are low-fiber high-fat diet, frequent constipation, diabetes, heredity, old age and fasting.
Nausea, indigestion, yellow skin, yellow eyes, clay colored stools, dark colored urine, back pain and pain over upper abdomen are the symptoms of gallstones.
A healthy diet as well as life-style can effectively prevent gallstone formation.
Do regular exercise and keep your body fit, consume coffee and calcium phosphate, drink plenty of water everyday, eat healthy food containing fruits, vegetables, nuts, less carbohydrates and no junk foods.
There are many methods of Home Remedies for passing of gallstones.
Stick on to gall bladder diet containing fiber rich foods and no fats. Take fruits and fruit juices. Avoid refined carbohydrates, processed foods, eggs, meat animal fats, sugar, alcohol, spices, pickles, condiments etc.
Eat apples and citrus fruits daily and drink their juices.
Consume daily plain yoghurt, cottage cheese and one table spoon of olive oil twice.
Drink daily two times 125 ml each of juices of watercress and dandelion.
Home Remedies for passing of gallstones ensure permanent relief from the pain since they will flush out the gallstones completely and also with no side effects whatsoever. Home Remedies are the best because they are purely natural.
Allow Nature to cure you
All natural methods of cures rely on nature's power to cure diseases.


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